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To stream or not to stream? Of course you should stream your movie! The surprising truth behind the movie streaming industry is that it has been able to maintain a steady growth in viewership without any signs of slowing down. In fact, more and more people are turning to utilizing the convenience of streaming services instead of going out and spending money on DVDs. It's a hybrid service that's perfect for people who want a cheaper alternative for their entertainment needs, with cutting-edge features that most traditional avenues just can't compete with. Let Ladda Land take care of everything from downloading to multimedia playback. Because there's a common misconception that streaming services carry a poor quality of media, it's important to understand how modern streaming services have been able to revolutionize the entertainment industry. In recent years, several streaming services have been able to achieve this by utilizing a technique known as adaptive bitrate streaming. Nowadays there are two main methods for streaming video: progressive downloads and adaptive bitrates. And while both methods carry their own pros and cons, one of them is without a doubt superior to the other. Streaming movies with progressive downloads isn't going anywhere anytime soon, but it does come with a series of disadvantages that can prove detrimental to consumers who don't understand what they're getting themselves into. Continue to read on to find out what makes adaptive bitrate streaming a superior solution. Anyone who's watched a movie before should be aware of how long it takes for a whole film to load – you've sat through plenty of loading screens to get through a two-hour film. Progressive downloads, which is the more traditional method that companies have been using for the longest time, requires that entire movie to be downloaded before you can watch it. This technique isn't going anywhere anytime soon, but one company has been able to revolutionize the way we perceive streaming media – Limelight! Due to Limelight's recent advances in technology, they have been able to completely revolutionize the way people stream videos onto their computers and mobile devices. Most people who have tried this new trend are surprised to learn that the waves of music are flowing through their computer speakers. Limelight has also released a variety of applications for users to stream music to wireless devices, which now allows you to listen to your favorite songs on the go. It's important for anyone thinking about adopting streaming services into their entertainment repertoire to understand that it will need some getting used to. You'll need to be patient, and you'll need to gradually embrace the idea of watching movies and TV shows on demand. There's no way around it – you'll need to practice patience, and over time it will become second nature. But the benefits of streaming media far outweigh the drawbacks. You can watch as many films and TV shows as you like, and do away with the hefty price tag movie theaters cost. cfa1e77820