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This is a story of a group of people with whom you are not familiar. It's a story about what happens when things go wrong. Please enjoy this video, but be warned: it contains graphic violence and nudity, as well as imagery that may be disturbing to younger audiences. There is no age limit on who can watch this content, but please use your best judgement when deciding whether or not this is the type of media that will be appropriate for those around you. If you're not comfortable watching it in public, we ask that you refrain from viewing it until you have a more private setting available to do so. The year is 2176. Humanity has been destroyed. The one called "Life" has been overthrown after a great war that lasted for thousands of years. She once held the powers of creation and life in her hands, but they were taken from her when she was defeated. In their place, she was given death and destruction, turning all that she touched to ash and ruin. To make matters worse, she could not even kill herself or destroy herself completely because her essence cannot be destroyed by any means available to the rest of creation...not even extreme force can destroy her completely...her will remains in tact...she can be slain but never destroyed forever. But there is one who fights for her: The Darkness: A powerful entity whose goal is to return life to its former state, relegating the unlife that she became. He is an entity that cannot be put to rest with any means within creation, and he can bring about such destruction that not even nature itself can survive. His very presence withers the will of all sentient beings in his vicinity, leaving them broken and ruined even in death. He is a being so vile and so vilely strong that his mere presence will turn all he touched into ash and ruin, but with a force so strong and so vile it can do naught but destroy life... truly he is a force to be feared. The heroes...are four girls and one boy, all of whom have sworn their lives to this cause...all of whom were once friends and comrades (and lovers), and that bond has brought them together and made them into a unique group unlike any that has ever existed: The Pest Brigade. The original members were the ones who awakened the darkness: Erek Shawn, Terri Harris, Laura Jenson, and Tiffany Vaughan. Terri herself was also a member as well but was forcibly removed from active duty as she was deemed as unnecessary as several others who served as her accomplices/guards/enemies/whatever else they were at any given time. But with their willpower and strength of will, they were able to keep the darkness at bay for a time. As time went on, however, the members began to lose their will and purpose...the darkness became too strong for them to resist. But there was one who managed to stay strong in their wake: Erek Shawn. It was he who managed to not only sustain his friendship with the others in the group but also his sanity, pushing them all along in a bid to bring about life's return. He has been tortured and experimented on by several organizations over the last several hundred years in an attempt to find out how he managed this he stayed sane under all that torture and pain... cfa1e77820